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Getting Around the Church

During Times of Worship


Either street entrance to the church building, off Plyers Mill Road or Windham Lane, will bring you into the main church parking lot. From the lot, you can approach the church from either the front side along Georgia Avenue, or from the back through the courtyard area.


From the front side, the sidewalk will take you past three sets of double doors. The second set of doors provides access directly ahead to the chapel. The third set of doors is the entrance to the main sanctuary. There is a ramp for handicapped entry just before the stairs.


Approaching the church from the back, you will see a large courtyard area with an azalea garden. The leftmost sidewalk takes you to the ramp for special needs access to the worship spaces. Ring the buzzer at the door at the head of the ramp to be admitted. Once through the door, turn right and proceed down the hallway. Halfway down the hall is the chapel. Continuing down the hallway past the education office and library brings you to the fellowship foyer and beyond it, the main Sanctuary. (Note: the elevator directly in front of this special needs entrance can be used to access the lower level and gym level of the facility.)


Back-side access to the church for those without special needs is through the azalea garden, up the stairs straight across from where you enter it (notice the large directional sign on the wall of the sanctuary). This entrance will bring you to the fellowship foyer. Go up the stairs and either turn right to access the main sanctuary, or turn left and proceed down the hallway to the chapel. For other facilities, go down the stairs to your left and immediately turn right to access rest rooms, the music area, church offices and meeting rooms.


Alternatively, from the azalea garden you can take the set of descending stairs on the right to access the lower level, including the church office, staff offices, choir area and meeting rooms, all directly below the main sanctuary.


At Other Times During the Week


During the week all doors on the Georgia Avenue side of the facility are locked, so access is usually through the rear courtyard area of the facility. Church office hours are ordinarily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. The church offices, staff offices and meeting rooms are accessed from the descending stairs off the azalea garden to the right. Ring the buzzer during office hours to be admitted. The entrance to Evergreen School is through the door in the education wing just to the left of the azalea garden. Again, you will need to buzz at the entrance to be admitted.


One other set of doors may be open at times during the week when there are activities in the gym or the social hall. These facilities are in the section of the building closest to the main parking area and can be accessed by the black wrought iron stairs adjacent to the parking lot. Go up the stairs to the gym or down the stairs to the social hall. The rest room on the gym level is through the double doors at the front of the gym (toward Georgia Avenue), then to the right. The rest rooms on the lower level are through the double doors at the end of the social hall opposite the kitchen (again, toward Georgia Avenue).


Our mission is to “reflect the face of Christ to all whom we encounter.” As a friendly, hospitable family of God, we strive live out our faith through vital, joyous worship, honoring our diversity as God’s people, intentionally working to grow in faith, serving our neighbor and sharing God’s message of love and grace.


10700 Georgia Avenue

Wheaton, MD 20902



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